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The New Sunset Park Waterfront

Pratt 2012-2013. In Collaboration with Dakota Swainson

The New Sunset Park Waterfront

Critics:  Adam Elstein

             David Maestres

Barriers, Highways, and a defunct Industrial Waterfront, prohibit the upland Sunset Park community from gaining access to the the Sunset Park Waterfront. The industrial area that sits at the current waterfront is dark and uninviting. The Brooklyn Army Terminal, a historic WWI and WWII shipping point is a beautiful space that the public is not allowed to visit. Our idea is to pedestrianize industry, through connecting vacant land, parking lots, key historical industrial lots, and parks; and to create a new active and diverse waterfront, able to be used by the public. The Brooklyn Army Terminal will be the starting point for this neighborhood revitalization, with three distinct armatures connecting the waterfront, army terminal with the upland N, R subways. Through these connections to the neighborhood, waterfront, army terminal, and NYC region, we hope to create a more diverse, public, industrial waterfront.

© ​Nicolas R. Mariscal

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